Please submit your ideas, questions, concerns, or any other comments in this forum. Please note that this forum is not about the content of the publications, but is specifically about the reading experience. Feedback about the content should be submitted to the publisher.
To assist us with better understanding your feedback, please use the following terminology to identify where you are reading the publication:
- Desktop - Using the browser on your Mac or Windows PC
- Mobile/Tablet Browser - Using the web browser on your mobile device
- Mobile/Tablet App - Using an app you downloaded to your mobile device
Aucun sujet similaire trouvé.

Integrate the Pinterest "Pin It" tool into our Desktop interface (and eventually our mobile interfaces)
Allow readers to easily share the digital publication or it's content.

Nxtbook Media
il y a 13 ans
Pinterest has been added to the Share function of our desktop browser app.

Subscribe button only appears if Subscribe link is active
Currently the subscribe button is a default, even if there isn't a subscribe link entered. It just shows the RSS feed of the Nxtbook. Only have the button appear if there is a subscribe link.

Nxtbook Media
il y a 13 ans
The new Nxtbook 3.3 interface will show the Subscribe button only when a Subscribe link has been supplied by the publisher.

Allow mouse wheel to zoom in/out on the page
It would be a nice option if the mouse wheel could zoom the page in and out.

Allow Sponsorship ads in Branded App to hide/show when viewing certain pages of an issue.
This feature is currently available in the desktop version, but would like it to be available in the branded app. Client would instruct us to "hide" their banner ad on certain pages, so it does not conflict with an ad appearing on the page of the issue.

iPhone/iPad Home Screen Icon that opens the most recent issue
A home screen icon that a reader could install on their iPad or iPhone. This icon would open up the most recent issue of the publication in Safari when tapped.

Desktop library application for Nxtbooks
A single application that can be installed on a desktop or library computer. One or more Nxtbooks could be downloaded and stored in the application for viewing offline.

Update video player to allow YouTube-like functionality.
After video plays, be able to present related links (external and/or internal) to the reader.

Add multi-touch gestures to desktop application
It would be nice if readers with multi-touch trackpads or touch screens on their laptops or desktop computers could use gestures such as swiping or pinching to control the Nxtbook.

Add Instagram to our social sharing options
Photo could be taken of the page and shared via Instagram.

New NXTbook HTML 3.4 version on Android
The new nextbook does not feature text version, archive and search function, I would rather expect it
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