
Integrate the Pinterest "Pin It" tool into our Desktop interface (and eventually our mobile interfaces)

treinhart 13 ár síðan updated by Nxtbook Media 13 ár síðan 7
Allow readers to easily share the digital publication or it's content.


Pinterest has been added to the Share function of our desktop browser app.
I just had a customer request some sort of Pinterest integration too.  And, our New Track titles (Quilting, Knitting, etc.) are interested as well.
We discussed this idea in our Blue Team meeting after Schwartz saw an email from a client requesting it. We thought it would be a great idea and probably wouldn't be that hard for Dev to implement.
I think all of production is on board with this idea. Please scope out and hope to implement soon and stay above the game.
I had another client request this. 
I had another client request this again today - Focus on the Family.
We have added this feature request to our development schedule.  It should be added to our Desktop Browser and Mobile Browser apps within the next few weeks.
Awesome!  The timing couldn't be better...Pinterest is now the #3 used social media site behind Facebook and Twitter.
Pinterest has been added to the Share function of our desktop browser app.