
Allow mouse wheel to zoom in/out on the page

Matthew Harrington 13 лет назад обновлен forwardlobe J 13 лет назад 7
It would be a nice option if the mouse wheel could zoom the page in and out.
I agree, a more flexible zoom option would improve the reader's experience. I've spoke with readers in our area who view our publication on e-readers and find the current zoom option very cumbersome. 
Mary Jane, what e-readers are your readers using to view the publication?  What don't they like about the current zoom option?  Thank you for your feedback.
FYI - Multi-touch zoom already works nicely on my Kindle Fire.
Desktop -->

I might suggest that -any- wheel functionality would be more useful than having none at all, such as presently seems to be the case.

There are so many things you can do with a wheel.

An intuitive implementation would be to spin the wheel to push the page up and down (as clicking-and-dragging on the page is now the only method, methinks).  And Ctrl-Wheel would be used to change the Zoom level.

On a tangent, at Maximum Zoom, the NXTBook needs Even More Zoom (E.M.Z.), but that's off topic for this thread.  (I just couldn't contain myself.)


When you are zoomed in on a page, the mouse wheel already moves the page up and down.  Is that not happening for you?  If it's not happening, then can you please let us know what operating system (and version) and what web browser (and version) you are using to read the publication?

I disagree with you that Ctrl-Wheel would be intuitive.  I would never think to use the Ctrl button with the mouse wheel to do something in the app.  But, we can certainly look into such functionality.  Thanks for the idea.
Oh, look!   The Up-Down arrows control the Zooom!
Dear Nxtbook Media,

You wrote:

When you are zoomed in on a page, the mouse wheel already moves the page up and down. Is that not happening for you?

No, it's not happening for me.

I'm zoomed in, and the scroll-wheel has no effect.

I would never think to use the Ctrl button with the mouse wheel...

I can think of a few examples: Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Word.  Three popular pieces of software, they all Scroll when you Wheel, and they all Zoom when you Ctrl-Wheel.  That is why having that set of functions would tend to be intuitive to me.

> ...
what operating system (and version) and what web browser (and version) you are using to read the publication

XPpro SP3 all updated, Firefox 12 all updated, and I'm trying to view --

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