Please submit your ideas, questions, concerns, or any other comments in this forum.  Please note that this forum is not about the content of the publications, but is specifically about the reading experience.  Feedback about the content should be submitted to the publisher.

To assist us with better understanding your feedback, please use the following terminology to identify where you are reading the publication:
  • Desktop - Using the browser on your Mac or Windows PC
  • Mobile/Tablet Browser - Using the web browser on your mobile device
  • Mobile/Tablet App - Using an app you downloaded to your mobile device


Zoom problems

forwardlobe J 12 років тому оновлено Nxtbook Media 12 років тому 2
1)  Not enough Zoom

2)  If I'm at the bottom of the page and at Maximum Zoom, and I click for Even More Zoom (E.M.Z.), then I am kicked to the top of the page, and of course without any more zoom.

In summary, it's 2 problems simultaneously.  There's not enough zoom, but if you ask for E.M.Z., you're punished by being instantly transported to the top of the page (although I can imagine worse punishments).
Nxtbook Media 12 років тому
Can you please post a link to the publication you are viewing?

Can you please explain what you mean by "I click for Even More Zoom (E.M.Z.) "?  If you are already at the maximum zoom level, then I don't understand what you mean by that phrase.

Thank you.


Zoom Toolbar

forwardlobe J 12 років тому оновлено Nxtbook Media 12 років тому 1
If the page is zoomed at all, I have the Zoom Toolbar at the top and middle of the page.

I can get rid of the toolbar by clicking on the page, but that also reduces the Zoom to minimum.

I would like to be at Maximum Zoom, and "not" have the Zoom Toolbar in the middle of the page I'm trying to view.

Desktop / Single page view / Sound-Effects turned Off
Nxtbook Media 12 років тому
Is the zoom slider bar blocking content you are trying to read?  If so, can you please post a link to the publication you are viewing and an example page that contains content that is blocked by zoom slider bar?  Thank you.

Trying to access Quilters Newslettter on my iPad downloaded the app on newstand but won't accept any password I put

JoanW 12 років тому оновлено Nxtbook Media 12 років тому 1
Where am I supposed to put in password. Have been trying with my Apple iTunes password but that doesn't work

I can no longer read multichannel news on my iPad, what happened? Been fine for as long as I can remember...

Greg Frasca 10 років тому 0

does not save username and password for offline sky & telescope

JohnC 11 років тому 0
For ms windows xp, the software does not save username and password for offline sky & telescope magazine viewing even when I click save username & password.
Upon entering username & password I can read the magazine offline.


Message displayed on Win Phone 8 Mobile

Vince Baker 11 років тому 0

Hi, just recieved my subscription via email today for ASQ Quality Progress publication and clicked the Mobile Link. The link opened the browser on my mobile (Nokia Lumia 920 MS Windows Phone 8) and was shown a page suggesting I contact you as the platform is not yet recognized.


Unable to read Nxtbook QST issues offline in Air

David Pearson 12 років тому оновлено Hank Little 11 років тому 4

 Your feedback page does not appear to show everything in IE9 for one thing.  Also I am unable to view ARRL QST mags offline, it keeps asking for username/password.  I am able to log into the ARRL website and view Nxtbook via the browser in IE and Firefox

I don't think I will use Nxtbook for other magazines until I am able to read QST offline.  Just wish ARRL went with Kindle or the Nook for distribution. I have no problems with those formats


Suggestion of FR in Omniture

Jean Jerome Sache 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 0
One of our clients suggested the following regarding the Omniture system: 
Create an automatic template linked to the advertisers list/index (if available), in which all information is recap for them (pages view, time spent, clicked links). 
I don't know if it makes sense or not but it seems a good idea.

windows 8 support

Rodney Willis 11 років тому оновлено Nxtbook Media 11 років тому 2

As a subscriber to one of your customer's products, I would like to see support for Windows RT devices such as the Microsoft Surface. The magazine does not currently render on this device.


Bookmarks on iPad app

Elzabi Van Wyk 10 років тому оновлено Duane Fregoe 10 років тому 1
I mostly read my subscription on the iPad app. However, it does not allow bookmarks/notes on pages, even if I have downloaded the issue. I constantly need to refer back to various articles but have no means to do so. Could you PLEASE look into introducing this feature on the app? (as is on the online reader)